Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Gehlot approves gaushala in every gram panchayat

Jaipur: In order to provide shelter to the stray cows in rural areas, CM Ashok Gehlot has approved the Gram Panchayat Gaushala Jan Sahayata Yojana. Gaushalas will be constructed in gram panchayats as per the budget announcement. In first phase, gaushalas will be constructed in 1500 gram panchayats.

An amount of Rs one crore each will be used for setting up gaushalas in areas where there are NGOs. Fundraising for the project will be done through Cow Protection and Promotion Fund 2016. Gehlot has given approval to open 1500 gaushalas in the first phase. Panchayat Samiti level Gopalan Samiti will be constituted for the implementation of the scheme. The committee will issue all kinds of administrative and financial approval for opening cowsheds at the Gram Panchayat level. The quality of construction works done here will be checked and evaluated by the committee. The committee will also make arrangements to send the stray cattle to the gram panchayat gaushala with the help of villagers.

In case there is more than one application for opening cowshed in gram panchayats, the institution will be selected on the basis of evaluation and standard marks. Gram panchayats which do not have cowsheds, will be on priority. Gaushalas will also have space for administrative building, cattle shelter, veterinary facility. Fodder storehouse, underground water tank, water sports, tubewell and fodder station facilities will also have to be worked upon besides water drainage and electricity. The state government will release a maximum grant of Rs 90 lakh for each gaushala. The institute’s contribution towards the total cost will be Rs 10 lakh.

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