Saturday, June, 22,2024

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Friends smash man’s head with stone

Jaipur: A body of a middle-aged man with his head crushed was found in an empty plot near the B-2 bypass intersection in the Sanganer area of the capital. Sanganer police reached the spot after getting the information that the body was near the intersection, and the FSL team was called on the spot.

According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Chanchal, who worked in a factory nearby. According to the information, there was a fight between Chanchal and his friends during the liquor party. Chanchal’s friends first thrashed him and then crushed his head with a large stone, due to which he died on the spot. After Chanchal’s death, they left the spot leaving him near the B-2 bypass intersection. On Thursday morning at 10 am, a passerby saw the dead body near the intersection and informed the police. The FSL team has also found several pieces of evidence from the spot, on the basis of which the police have now made preparations to register a case of murder against unknown people.

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