Monday, September, 23,2024

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Final countdown for the transfer list begins

Jaipur: With the Assembly’s legislative activities coming to an end and political activities coming to a halt, attention has now shifted to the bureaucracy. The current focus is on the transfer list, which is eagerly awaited. Ministers and district in-charges are currently in the districts for two days and are expected to return by Friday, indicating a possibility of a transfer list being issued on Saturday or Sunday. The latest update suggests that the list might be finalized by Friday. If not, we will have to wait until Thursday, August 15th.

The anticipated list should include all services (IPS, IFS, RAS, and RPS), but it is extremely important that the IAS transfer list is released. Because even if we leave aside the previous cases, more than half a dozen big and important posts in IAS have either fallen vacant last month or there is strife this month (August).

These three posts fell vacant in July - Chairman- Board of Revenue, Chairman- Tax Board and Secretary- Finance (Expenditure). Now 5 more posts will fall vacant in August - Secretary- Kaushal Vikas due to Purna Chandra Kishan going to Delhi, SecretaryWomen and Child Development due to Mohan Lal Yadav retiring, SecretaryGAD due to Sudhir Sharma’s VRS being approved, Secretary- Governor due to Gaurav Goyal going to Delhi and Divisional Commissioner- Jodhpur due to Bhanwarlal Mehra retiring.

On the other hand, 2 IAS are on APO - Rajesh Kumar Yadav and Manju (APO from 15th July). There are 40 officers, who have been in the same positions since the time of the previous government. The replacement of most of them has become necessary due to various reasons.

Overall, it means that a big transfer list of this is getting overdue. The bureaucracy from the Secretariat to districts has become lax & is sitting idle, awaiting the list. The administration will be able to pick up speed only when the list is released. The final moment has come for DoP to put an end to its speculations, conjectures, & discussions.

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