Sunday, June, 23,2024

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Exodus in Congress: Mirdhas, 2 ex-mins, others join Raj BJP

Jaipur: In what can be seen as a major setback for Congress, ahead of Lok Sabha polls, as many as 1370 Congress leaders from Rajasthan including party veterans, pradhans, Zila parishad members & panchayat samiti members joined BJP on Sunday.

Congress leaders who joined the Saffron party are former Congress ministers Rajendra Yadav and Lal Chand Kataria. Kataria was also a Union MoS in previous UPA government.

Former Congress MLAs, from the powerful Jat family, Ricchpal Mirdha and Vijaypal Mirdha and Khiladi Bairwa, former independent MLA Alok Beniwal, former state Congress chief Seva Dal Suresh Chaudhary, Rampal Sharma and Riju Jhunjhunwala among others also joined the BJP. Beniwal is the son of the former Gujarat governor Kamla. CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, state BJP chief CP Joshi and Union minister Bhupender Yadav welcomed them.

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