Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Counselling cells being set up on DGP’s directions

Jaipur: Counselling cells are being set up in the SP offices of all districts of the State. In this regard, orders have been issued by DGP Umesh Mishra on Thursday. The Police Counselling Cell will do positive counselling of selected stray youth on the basis of data provided by social media cell.

DGP Mishra said that by monitoring the increasing crimes through social media sites, necessary legal action is being taken against the criminals active on social media sites by the social media cell working in the districts. Newly established counseling cells in the districts have been set up to keep away the youths who become followers on social media by being influenced by criminals and gangsters active in the districts, to monitor social media sites and to bring the misguided youths in the right direction.

ADG Crime Dr RP Mehrada said that gangsters share photo-videos on social media by presenting themselves in Robinhood style. Some youths get influenced by his image and become their followers and gradually move towards crime world.

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