Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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BRTS corridor closed in Mansarovar

Jaipur: The BRTS (Bus Rapid Transit System) corridor in Jaipur, initially established to promote public transportation and ease travel for residents, has become a source of frequent accidents and frustration. Mismanagement and improper operation have led to vehicles driving on the wrong side and buses often running up to two hours late, leaving the corridor largely unused.

Local residents had expressed growing discontent, citing the need to take long detours to cross the road and demanding the removal of the BRTS corridor. In response to these issues, the Traffic Police have decided to close the BRTS corridor in Mansarovar area, erecting barricades to halt all the traffic through corridor.

Despite ongoing efforts by government agencies to address these problems, the corridor has not been removed, leading to the recent decision to shut it down entirely. This move aims to improve safety and reduce inconvenience for the local population.

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