Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Blood Bank in-charge of JK Lone Hospital put on APO

Jaipur: The state government has put Dr Satyendra Chaudhary, in-charge of the blood bank, on APO (awaiting posting) with immediate effect in the plasma theft case at JK Lone Hospital, Jaipur. Additional Chief Secy of Medical and Health Dept, Shubhra Singh said on Friday that a case of plasma theft by a lab technician had come to light in JK Lone Hospital.

“Taking the matter seriously, the state government suspended lab technician Kishan Sahay Kataria and an FIR was registered. A committee was formed with immediate effect to investigate the matter. The committee report stated that no recordings were found from the CCTV cameras of the blood bank. Out of the seven cameras, the wires of one camera installed in the plasma store room were cut and other equipment was found to be tampered with,” Singh said.

“The hospital administration was not even informed in this regard. These circumstances have been considered suspicious. On the basis of the investigation report, the state government has declared blood bank incharge Dr. Satyendra Choudhary guilty of indifference towards work and supervisory negligence and has put him on APO with immediate effect ,” she added while stating that, “Disciplinary action will be taken against Lab Technician Kishan Sahay Kataria and Dr Satyendra Chaudhary under CCA Rule-16”

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