Saturday, July, 27,2024

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BJP hits at Raj govt over law & order

Jaipur: In the case of half-burnt body of a woman being found in Kanota area of Jaipur, on Friday BJP lashed out at the Congress government regarding law and order. BJP State President CP Joshi said that the law and order situation in the state is in bad condition since 2018.

“It had started in Alwar at that time. When a husband raped his wife in front of her. The administration tried to suppress the entire incident because of the Lok Sabha elections. But the incident became clear after the video surfaced. This failed Congress government has tarnished the glorious history of the state. Girls are being sold in the state. But the state government is not able to protect women,” he said.

Joshi said that today a burnt body of a woman was found in Jamvaramgarh. “Their woman MLA has said that she is not safe in this government. When one of his ministers showed him the mirror, he was removed overnight.

His minister had said that the CM and his ministers in this government are rapists. If not then get a Narco test done. But till date not even one of the ‘Mai Ke Lal’ has come forward for Narco test. What does their silence point to,” Joshi said, further adding, “The condition of law and order in Rajasthan is bad. The graph of new crimes is increasing rapidly every day in the state.”

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