Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Assault on doctors: Most private hospitals boycott work in capital

Jaipur: The case of alleged assault on doctors at Fortis Hospital has gained momentum and has evoked mixed response in the capital. An indefinite strike was called by the private doctors’ organization ‘Upchar’ regarding the entire incident. In most of the private hospitals of capital, there was a boycott of work. However, some hospitals showed sensitivity towards the problems of patients & treated those who came to emergency ward.

The OPDs were shut in all the hospitals and patients had to turn to the government hospitals. Meanwhile, a meeting was also held by the Doctors Association in the JMA auditorium on Saturday. Officials of the association and doctors of private hospitals were also present. They demanded arrest of those who assaulted the doctors. They said that if their demands were not met, the movement would be intensified.

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