Sunday, June, 23,2024

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Address issues delaying construction of new Medical Colleges: CS tells officials

Jaipur: Chief Secretary Usha Sharma, while presiding over a meeting of the InterDepartmental Empowered Committee constituted regarding the new Medical Colleges being set up under centrallysponsored schemes at the Government Secretariat here, on Tuesday, said that the problems being faced in the construction of the colleges should be resolved at the earliest and timely completion of the work must be ensured. Sharma said that in the districts where new medical colleges are proposed, a review meeting should be held regarding the issues arising in construction. She instructed the officers that the departments should work in cooperation. Various points, including approval of land, roads, drinking water, environment etc. of these colleges were also discussed in detail in the meeting.

Earlier, Principal Secretary, Medical Education Department, Vaibhav Galriya gave information about the problems being faced in the construction and vacancies through a presentation. The PWD, Public Health Engineering Department and District Collectors of the respective districts attended the meeting via VC.

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