Saturday, July, 27,2024

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19 chitals released in Ramgarh Vishdhari to increase prey base

Jaipur: Nineteen chitals brought from Ghana have been released in Ramgarh Vishdhari Tiger Reserve to increase the prey base here. These include three male and 16 female chitals, which have been released near Talai in Jharbanda area.

The chitals were released under the inspection of DCF Sanjeev Sharma. Currently, one tiger, two tigresses and three cubs are in Ramgarh Vishdhari.

Meanwhile, a workshop on M-STrIPES will be held today. DCF Sharma, Landscape Coordinator of M-STrIPES WII Kainaat Latafat, NTCA Tiger Cell scientist Dr Ayan Sadhu, Rajarajeshwar Thakur, Research Biologist, WII Tiger Cell, Sheikh Ober will participate in it.

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