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European Commission President visits Ukraine's Bucha

Bucha: European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen who visited Ukraine's Bucha town where Russian forces allegedly massacred and raped hundreds of civilians said that the world was mourning with the people of Bucha.

Addressing media persons at a news conference here, the EU President who looked visible moved said she had witnessed the "unthinkable." "Here in Bucha, we saw humanity being shattered and the whole world is mourning with the people of Bucha... and therefore, we stand with them in this important fight," Von Der Leyen said after visiting a mass grave in Bucha, of civilians found dead after Russian troops withdrew over the border to Belarus.
Leyen said that the civilian deaths in the Ukrainian town showed the "cruel face" of Russia's army and pledged to try to speed Ukraine's bid to become a member of the European Union.

"The unthinkable has happened here. We have seen the cruel face of Putin's army. We have seen the recklessness and the cold-heartedness with which they have been occupying the city," she said.
Ursula Von Der Leyen was joined in bucha by European Union's foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell Fontelles along with Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Eduard Heger reached Kyiv on Friday [local time] to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and discuss the bloc's proposals for the country invaded by Russia.

"In Ukraine with @vonderleyen (Ursula von der Leyen) and we're ready to discuss our proposals for helping Ukraine with @ZelenskyyUa (Volodymyr Zelenskyy) and @Denys_Shmyhal (Denys Shmyhal). To help get EU perspective by creating a reform team. To offer options for transporting grains, including wheat and to increase the use of a humanitarian hub," Heger tweeted.
Earlier, on Tuesday, the Chief spokesman of the European Commission announced that Von der Leyen and Josep Borrell will meet with Zelensky in Kyiv this week.
Hundreds of civilian residents were found dead on the street of Bucha, beside their homes, and in mass graves. Ukraine accused Russia of the Bucha massacre. However, Russia has denied the allegations and said that it was Ukrainian propaganda.

Even the local morgue in Bucha ran out of space as deaths mounted in March; to deal with all the bodies, a tractor was brought in to dig a mass grave, according to CNN.
Russian forces launched military operations in Ukraine on February 24, three days after Moscow recognized Ukraine's breakaway regions - Donetsk and Luhansk - as independent entities.
Several countries including the UK, the US, Canada, and the European Union have condemned Russia's military operations in Ukraine and imposed sanctions on Moscow. These countries have also promised to help Ukraine with military aid to fight Russia.

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