Monday, June, 17,2024

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We fulfilled our promise: Kejriwal lauds Punjab govt's decision of providing 300 units of free electricity

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday lauded the Punjab government's decision to provide 300 units of free electricity to every household in the state and said that AAP does not make false promises unlike other political parties and does what it says.

AAP had promised before the Assembly elections in the state to provide 300 units of free electricity which the party announced to fulfill on the day it completed its one month at the office in Punjab. "Bhagwant ji, many congratulations for this wonderful decision. We fulfilled our first promise. We do what we say. We don't make false promises like other parties," Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi.

The AAP supremo further said that the Punjab government will not let there be a lack of money come in the way of the progress of the state.
"Now an honest, patriotic government with clear intentions has come. Will save money by ending corruption. Will not let there be a lack of money in the progress of Punjab," he added in his tweet.

AAP MP Raghav Chadha also lauded the Punjab government for fulfilling its poll promise of providing free electricity in the state and tweeted, "What we said, we did. After Delhi, people of Punjab will also get free electricity."
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Punjab on Saturday announced 300 units of free electricity for every household from July 1, according to the State Information and Public Relations Department.
Notably, the AAP government in Delhi provides 200 units of free electricity to the people. (ANI)

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