Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Slow agriculture activities during elections

Jaipur: The first watering is being given to the crops after Rabi sowing in the State. But it is a matter of regret that this time the sowing figures of Rabi crops lagged far behind the last year’s figures. It is believed that the farmers were busy in the Assembly elections, due to which sowing has been affected. Now that rain has brought happiness on the faces of the farmers, it is expected that the sowing figures will increase rapidly.

Targets for sowing of Rabi crops in the state are fixed every year and on the basis of that, arrangements for sowing and irrigation water are also made. In the first fortnight of November, the Water Resources Department had started providing irrigation water to more than 2500 villages and towns across the state so that farmers could get the first water for Rabi crops. But when the Agriculture Department presented the data of sowing done in the state so far, it was revealed that it is lagging far behind last year’s target. The target of Rabi sowing in the state is more than 1.17 crore hectares. Till now sowing has been done in more than 84.55 lakh hectares area. Whereas till November last year this figure was more than 95 lakh hectares.

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