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Setting an example: Celebrities share if talking about the environment and doing their bit inspires others

Mumbai (Maharashtra): It's world environment day on June 5. To observe the day, celebrities talk about global warming and how they are doing their bit to save the environment. They also share if talking about it inspires others. Read on:

Vijayendra Kumeria

A clean environment is what we need today. During the last lockdown when we breathed fresh air it further made us realise how important it is. If celebrities talk about things like planting more trees, avoiding plastic, saving water, etc., when they are themselves doing it, it surely sets an example and inspires their followers. When I first learned about global warming, I was not very old at that time, but old enough to realise that it has long-term consequences and, on my part, I started planting trees every year on my birthday. Then I would also ensure I don't waste water. Reading about places where people had to walk so much to get fresh water made me realise that whatever I wanted to do towards this cause had to start from today and since then I have not wasted water. And I have taught the same to my daughter. We also have a small garden and my daughter is being taught how to nurture plants, why she should throw waste only in a dustbin and avoid littering.

Simaran Kaur

I think we have reached a time when our environment has seen a lot of changes. When I first heard of global warming, I think back then nobody took it seriously but now as we are witnessing the climatic changes, seeing summers getting hotter and extended, and even rains are unpredictable, which are all signs of global warming and I think it's high time that we as citizens of this planet earth become environment-conscious and should be aware of these things. On a personal level, I think people can do a lot of things starting from the smallest thing like not going out unnecessarily and using public transport. Even things like not wasting electricity or water are something that you can do on a personal level. I see people have a very bad habit of wasting water while brushing, which is avoidable and can be taken care of easily. I feel even if one person is conscious of these things, it will add up to all of us working towards a better environment. Also, people should stop using plastic bags and bottles and even if they do, they must recycle them.  

Aly Goni

People generally follow what they see a celebrity doing, and I feel taking the right steps toward saving and conserving the environment by a public figure inspires them. When I first heard of global warming, I was shocked because that's when I realised what we do today, we will have to face the consequences of it later, it may take time but we will see it. It's like Karma. I have always been conscious about saving the environment and my first step was to not waste water. There can never be a substitute for this and I have always tried to save and reuse water.

Delnaaz Irani

If celebrities are talking about it and showing the simple lifestyle changes, they made toward a healthy environment, it makes a huge difference. Global warming was a quite shocking phenomenon for me, and then I started noticing and reading about climatic changes. Since then, I realised everybody should do their little bit for the environment. I try to save electricity and switch off the lights and fans when I leave the room. I have my small garden set up and I have started planting trees in my society. Plastic is banned in my house, I am more into stainless steel, and I use utensils that are environmentally friendly and healthy for us as well.


Sudhanshu Pandey:

We need to as a society start disciplining ourselves. My family and I practice certain things in our daily life like we have started segregating dry and wet garbage. Also, I have taught my kids to not waste water at all. So be it brushing, or taking a shower, anywhere we are using water we try to use it only when it's required and not just waste it or keep the taps open. And also, we try to avoid using plastic as much as we can, because I don't want us to be guilty of adding the curse of plastic to our environment. These are the three things that we practise regularly, and although they are very small, they can make a very big change. And if we can do it as a society then we can surely reverse the situation of our planet.
Nyrraa M Banerji

Let us be the change we wish to see in the world. I for one use no plastic bags. I put my drinking water in a stainless steel and copper bottle. Segregation of domestic waste is normal in our household. We are now growing tomatoes, cucumbers, etc on our balcony as an initial green measure.
Aditya Deshmukh

I would like to use Mahatma Gandhi's quote "Earth provides enough to fulfil every human's need but not every human's greed."  So, friends, it's high time we humans realise that the environment is no one's property to destroy, but it's our responsibility to protect it. I am proud of myself and everyone who even in this congested city like Mumbai tries to grow small house plants at least as a contribution to our environment. I have stopped using plastic and other toxic materials as much as possible. Trust me, a small environmental friendly gesture from every individual will surely give a better environment for our future generations. Let's start doing everything possible from our side to protect our environment and let's pledge together that we will not let our mother nature become a 'Once Upon a Time.
Amal Sehrawat 

I believe that if you don't go back to nature, you won't be able to lead a healthy life. All those things that we used to do earlier, like during our grandparents' time, if we start following them now, then we will surely be able to make a change in our lifestyle and thus change the environment. There are small things like avoiding using plastic and aluminium and changing to steel and iron utensils that can make a big difference. Saving water is another thing that I do. These are some of the few things that we can do on an individual level and they can make a bigger difference than one can imagine.

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