Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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RSS to hold press conf today to brief about meet’s discussions

Jhunjhunu: Discussions on the figures of Shiksha Varg were held on the second day of all India meeting of RSS which started here on Thursday in the presence of RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat. Prant Pracharak and Sah Prant Pracharak from 45 Prants of the RSS across the country are taking part in the meeting. They shared their experience in the meeting being held at Khemi Shakti Mandir premises.

The RSS will hold a press conference on Saturday to brief about the decisions taken in the meeting. Details about the issues which were discussed in meeting will also be shared. The meeting will formally end at 6 pm today. No proposal will be pass ed in the meeting, sources said. Mohan Bhagwat will leave for Jaipur by road on July 10. Later, he will leave for New Delhi.

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