Monday, June, 17,2024

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Over 50 pc children between 15-18 received first dose of COVID vaccine in India so far

New Delhi: Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya on Tuesday informed that over 50 per cent of children between the 15-18 age group have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine so far in the country, since January 3 when vaccination drive for the age group commenced.

The Union Health Minister also lauded "young friends" for their enthusiasm for the vaccination drive.

Taking to Twitter, Mandaviya said, "Big day for India's fight against COVID-19! Over 50 per cent of our youngesters between 15-18 age group have received their 1st dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Well done, my Young Friends! Your enthusiasm for vaccination is inspiring people all over India. Sabko Vaccine Muft Vaccine."

The country began vaccinating children between the age of 15-18 years from January 3, 2022, onwards, after Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the announcement on December 25 last year.

As per the Union Health Ministry, India's COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 158.74 Crore (1,58,74,38,750) today.

"More than 65 lakh (65,85,945) Vaccine Doses have been administered till 7 pm today. More than 56 lakh(56,42,395) Precaution Doses for the identified categories of beneficiaries for COVID vaccination have been administered so far," the Ministry further informed.

Further, the Ministry informed that as many as 3,70,32,672 doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered to the beneficiaries of the 15-18 age group. (ANI)

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