Monday, June, 24,2024

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New Parliament building 'temple of Democracy': Rajnath Singh

Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh): Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) not only constructed a temple but built a 'temple of democracy' in the form of the New Parliament building, said Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, adding that along with development, BJP has always preserved the Indian heritage.

Singh's remarks came at a public meeting in Pilibhit where he interacted with voters ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections.

"BJP government has taken reformative steps for corruption-free society and will keep doing it. Farmers are getting Rs 6000 per year directly in their account with zero corruption," he said.

"I would like to ask Samajwadi Party whenever you come in power the state witness surge in riots and lawlessness.

Politics should be done beyond Caste and religion, only justice and humanity should be a priority of any government," said the Union Minister.

He further said, "The contribution of the Sikh community can never be forgotten. Sikhs were the first who sacrificed their lives to save Indian culture. Several foreign forces are trying to disturb brotherhood and harmony but they will never be successful."

BJP will expel the Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) if there is a single allegation of corruption was found, he said.

He added that BJP has delivered all of its promises like CAA, Ram Mandir, removal of Article 370.

"I have never sought support by telling lies. I did politics by seeing into the eyes of people. In 2017, the economy of UP was Rs 11 lakh crore but under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath it has been reached Rs 21 lakh crore," Singh said.

Earlier in the day, Singh addressed a public meeting by mobile phone after bad weather prevented him from reaching the venue in Lakhimpur Kheri.

He arrived at Bareilly on schedule at 11 am and travelled to Lakhimpur Kheri and Pilibhit by Helicopter but after several attempts, the landing could not be done at both the venues due to poor visibility because of dense fog.

He travelled to Pilibhit by road to attend public meetings and door-to-door campaigns.

The 403-member assembly of Uttar Pradesh will vote in all seven phases will polling to be held on February 10, 14, 20, 23, 27 and March 3 and 7. The counting of votes will take place on March 10. (ANI)

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