Saturday, June, 01,2024

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Leopard kills pet dog by entering house in Ooty

Ooty: A leopard killed a pet dog by entering the house of a resident of Ooty in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, on Friday.
The incident happened in the Charing Cross area in Tamil Nadu's Ooty during the early morning of Friday. The resident used to live in a two-storey building and had a Siberian Husky breed pet dog. When he found that his dog has gone missing from the room, he checked the CCTV footage of the room.
The visuals of the incident were captured in the CCTV footage of the room of the resident, which clearly showed that the leopard jumped into the house, killed the dog, and took it away.
The incident has left not just him, but all the local residents in a state of fear and shock. They have urged the forest department to take steps to capture the leopard. (ANI)

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