Sunday, June, 30,2024

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Jammu tunnel collapse: Fresh landslide halts rescue efforts

Jammu: A portion of the mountain fell apart in the Makerkote area at Jammu-Srinagar National Highway in Ramban, near the site of the recuse operation, where a part of an under-construction tunnel collapsed late last night.

This fresh landslide has put on hold the search and rescue operations. Speaking with ANI, District Development Commissioner Mussarat Islam said that the incident was unexpected.
"We were not expecting something like this (an incident where a portion of a mountain falls apart in Makerkote)," he said.

Two machines have been stuck under the debris of the landslide.
"Due to wind storms, the rescue operation was impacted. 16-17 hours of operation were wasted. We will have to make a new assessment," Islam told ANI.
One laborer has been killed, while nine others are feared to be trapped under the debris. Three injured were evacuated yesterday. (ANI)

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