Monday, June, 24,2024

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India emerging as powerhouse in toy exports: PM Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his monthly Mann Ki Baat address, on Sunday said that imported toys into India are continuously declining while the country is emerging as a powerhouse in toy exports.
"Today, when it comes to Indian toys, the echo of 'Vocal for Local' is being heard everywhere. You will also like to know that now the number of toys coming from abroad in India is continuously decreasing," the Prime Minister said in the 91st edition of the Mann Ki Baat. Terming the local toys of India as eco-friendly, consonant with both tradition and nature, the prime minister said whatever the domestic toy industry has achieved could never be imagined.
"Earlier, where toys worth more than Rs 3 thousand crore used to come from outside, now their import has reduced by 70 per cent and it is a matter of joy that during this period, India has exported toys worth more than two thousand six hundred crore rupees to foreign countries."
Earlier, toys worth just Rs 300-400 crore used to go out of India.
"And you already know that all this happened during the Corona period. India's toy sector has proven its mettle by transforming itself. Indian Manufacturers are now making toys based on Indian Mythology, History, and Culture. Toy clusters are there everywhere in the country, and small entrepreneurs who make toys, are getting a lot of benefit from it. The toys made by these small entrepreneurs are now going around the world," Modi said.
Indian toy manufacturers are working closely with the world's leading toy brands, and the start-up sector is also paying full attention to the world of toys, Modi added.
He urged the parents to buy more and more Indian toys, puzzles, and games.
Earlier in his address, Modi requested people to visit railway stations of historical importance especially related to the Indian freedom movement.
Through an initiative named 'Azadi Ki Railgadi Aur Railway Station', the objective is to make people know the role of Indian Railways in the freedom struggle.
"There are many such railway stations in the country, which are associated with the history of the freedom movement. You too will be surprised to know about these railway stations," PM Modi added.
As many as 75 stations are being specially decked up and several events are also being organized at such locations.
He further requested teachers of nearby schools to visit such stations and narrate the whole incidents and explain the relevance to the students.
"You must also find time to visit such historic stations near your place, you will come to know in detail about such aspects of the freedom movement which you were not aware of."
Further, he suggested people keep the National Flag as their social media profile pictures during August 2-15. August 2 has a special significance as it is the birth anniversary of the designer of the Indian National Flag Pingali Venkaiah. (ANI)

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