Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Delhi doctors save life, restore face of motorcyclist crushed in road accident

New Delhi: A team of doctors at a private hospital in the national capital saved the life of a 20-year-old motorcyclist who sustained severe skull fractures and joint dislocation in a major road accident on January 1.
The man, identified as Sameer and admitted with severe injuries underwent an eight-hour-long surgery by a team of 10 doctors, including Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons and Neurosurgeons at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital here. According to the Senior Consultant at the Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, here, Dr Bheem Singh Nanda, Sameer's face was in terrible shape as he had suffered severe head and maxio-facial injuries.

"There were around 16 major facial bones and skull fractures with dislocation of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint of the jaw," De Bheem Singh Nanda told ANI.
"After the stabilization of the patient, urgent multiple scans were done to diagnose the extent of injuries. Then, our team accessed the head and skull injuries and later started with the necessary medicines accordingly," Dr Shrey Jain, Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery said.
Dr Jain further said that the 20-year-old patient had severe soft tissue injuries on his face and multiple fractures which had crushed to small pieces his facial bone.
Dr Nanda said that Sameer's surgery required a lot of pre-operative planning for good functional and aesthetic results.
According to doctors, the patient was taken up for the surgery and most of the fractures were exposed through an internal approach without any extra cut on the facial skin (to decrease scarring). Then all the fractures and joints were reduced to the anatomical positions. After this systematically all the fractures were fixed using pure titanium six mini plates and two dozen screws. His tongue and other soft tissue injuries including lips, nose and eyelids were also repaired, they added.
The whole surgery took eight hours and involved a team of 12 doctors and paramedical staff.
It is pertinent to mention that Sameer is now stable with a good functional and aesthetic outcome.
He smiled and talked for the first time after the surgery and is able to take only liquid diet. He will be discharged soon, the doctors said further. (ANI)

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