Monday, June, 24,2024

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Corruption taint on KGMU registrar

Lucknow: Ashutosh Kumar Dwivedi, IAS, currently posted as Registrar, KGMU has been accused of embezzlement. Alok Kumar, Secretary, Medical Education has assigned Shubhra Saxena, Special Secretary of the Medical Education Department to conduct an investigation into the case and submit a report within a month.

Ashok Kumar, a resident of Mirzapur had registered a complaint against Dwivedi, alleging the registrar and other employees had irregularly paid some forms to benefit them by suppressing the facts.

Following the complaint, the V-C and Registrar of KGMU ordered to constitute an inquiry committee at government level.

This will not be the first investigation against the registrar as two months ago, the government had constituted a probe panel under commissioner Ranjan Kumar after 14 public representatives had complained against the registrar for alleged discrimination and negligence in appointment, including supressing facts during appointment of the dependents of deceased.

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