Monday, July, 01,2024

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Boat capsizes in Assam's Ghiladhari river, 4 rescued, 2 missing

Biswanath : Two women went missing after a boat capsized in the Ghiladhari river in Assam's Biswanath district on Monday evening.
The incident took place at the Biswanath Mukhgarh area. According to police, six women of the Mukhgarh area went to the other side for cultivation works and when they were returning back to their home on a country-made boat, the boat capsized in the Ghiladhari river.
Following the incident, the boatman with the help of locals rescued four of six women, but two women were still missing.

Navin Singh, Superintendent of Police (SP) of Biswanath district said search and rescue operations have already started to locate the missing ladies.

"We have also informed the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). We are arranging lights for the search and rescue operation at night. The search and rescue operation will also be started tomorrow morning. We have alerted the police personnel, Village Defence Party (VDP), local people in the downstream line," Navin Singh said.
The top police official further said that the rescued four women were rushed to hospital.
Further investigation is underway. More details are awaited. (ANI)

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