Saturday, July, 27,2024

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Administrative rules flouted by announcing new dists: BJP

Jaipur: The State BJP once again targeted the Gehlot Government over the reorganisation of new districts in Rajasthan. Deputy Leader of Opposition Rajendra Rathore and State General Secretary Bhajan Lal addressed the media on Wednesday and put forward the upcoming plan of the party.

They said that the Government announced formation of the district without completing the administrative legality.
“There is a provision in the Land Revenue Act that districts cannot be declared without determining the boundaries,” Rathore said.

State General Secretary Bhajanlal Sharma said that the second phase of BJP’s Jan Aakrosh campaign against the Rajasthan government has now started. BJP will hold big protests against the government at the district headquarters. It will start from Jaisalmer and Pratapgarh on March 27. After this, public outrage meetings, rallies and demonstrations will be held continuously in every district.

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