Sunday, June, 16,2024

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ACB team traps principal, 2 lecturers in Alwar college for taking bribe

Alwar: The ACB team of Alwar arrested three professors, including the acting principal of Bibirani College for taking a bribe of Rs 5,000.

The Assistant Administrative Officer of the college, Hiralal had complained to the ACB that NSS camp was organized in the college from March 21 to 27, in which Rs 70,022 were spent on the volunteers’ breakfast, stationery and other items.

The bribe amount was demanded for signing on these cheques. Among those who sought bribes are Deepak Ahlawat, Associate Professor of Geography and Secretary of College Development Committee, Narayan Bairwa, Associate Professor of History and Acting Principal of the college and Ramesh Chand Sharma, lecturer of Hindi and in-charge of NSS unit.

After negotiation, Rs 15,000 was fixed. Action was taken by Inspector Premchand on the instructions of Alwar ACB ASP Vijay Singh.

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