Tuesday, September, 17,2024

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Blood shortage hits SMS, other city hosps

Jaipur: State’s biggest SMS Hospital is facing shortage of blood in the hospital’s blood bank which has become a matter of concern. Other hospitals like Janana, Mahila Hospital & JK Lone Hospital are also dealing with the ongoing crisis.

There is a shortage of A, AB positive blood in the hospitals. A large number of patients of this group are admitted. Besides, cases of dengue and malaria are also rising. With these seasonal diseases, the demand for blood is more than in normal days. The demand for blood increases in hospitals from September to November.

Currently, patients of Thalassemia, PPH, APH, RTA and others are admitted in SMS Hospital. The hospital management, however, is worried due to the shortage of blood. They have appealed to the social organizations of the city to arrange for blood through donation camps.

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