Monday, July, 01,2024

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10-year-old gang-raped and murdered in Delhi's Narela, 2 apprehended

New Delhi: The body of a 10-year-old girl was found with her head brutally smashed in the Narela area of the national capital on Friday, police said.

A PCR call received at the Narela Police Station at 12:29 AM reported a missing girl child from Sec-A6 Narela. Tragically, shortly after the call, the lifeless body of the girl was discovered in an abandoned nearby plot. She was found clothed, with her head brutally smashed.

The police team secured the scene of crime. The crime team and FSL (Forensic Science Laboratory) team also reached the crime scene.

Photographs were taken by the crime team, and exhibits were collected by the FSL Rohini team for further analysis.

According to the father of the deceased, his daughter had gone out to play after dinner at around 9:45 PM. When she did not return, the family began a frantic search, leading to the PCR call around 12:29 AM on June 28, 2024. He mentioned that some locals had seen their neighbour, Rahul, leading his daughter towards the plot where her body was later found.

Based on the father's statement, a case has been registered under sections 363 (kidnapping), 302 (murder), and 376D (gang rape) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), along with Section 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Two suspects, Rahul (20) and Devdutt (30), have been apprehended and are currently being interrogated.

Rahul, who works in a rubber cylinder tube manufacturing factory, and Devdutt, employed at an umbrella factory in Narela, are both residents of the same locality.

The investigation is ongoing as authorities seek to uncover the full details of this horrific crime 

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