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Supriya Khan on International Men's Day: In the fight for women's rights and justice, men are often neglected

November 19 is celebrated as International Men's Day. The day is significant in raising awareness around men's health, throws light on their contribution and accomplishments, and also encourages them to set the right example for society. Actor and Producer Supriya Khan feels International Men's Day is essential for certain reasons.

"In the fight for women's rights and justice, men are often neglected, and women's laws are stronger than men's, where is equality? I feel so sad, horrible and my blood boils when some women misuse this power against innocent men," she says.

There is an opinion that there is much hype around Women's Day but men's day at times does not get recognised.  

Agreeing, she adds, "Big thank you to Jerome Teelucksingh who founded International Men's Day on 19 November, 1999 to promote positive male roles not just movie stars and sportsmen but even working-class men who are living decent honest lives and positively contributes to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and to the environment. I am glad this day especially reflects on issues that are affecting boys' and men's mental health and giving them the platform to express themselves without being judged."

Women express themselves and also talk about their emotions whereas men do not express much.  For ages we have been hearing that men don't cry.

"It's been a Universal set of rules over decades that men are a stronger species and they need to follow a certain set of rules and behave in a certain way. But honestly, men are more emotional than women. It's time to recognise and honour the sacrifices that a man makes for his family and society. On that note, I want to say, "I love you Dad, Miss you so much. You were and are the rock of the family". Ismail, my husband is my pillar of strength and one who goes to great lengths to bring happiness to the family. Happy International Men's Day, to All the men in this universe. Dear men, you are loved, appreciated and cared for today and always. Men are God's best creation, I respect you all," she ends.

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