Wednesday, June, 26,2024

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Actor Dev Menaria Shares His Dreams and Aspirations

Mumbai, India - Actor Dev Menaria has always been open about his aspirations and his love for the city of Mumbai. In a recent interview, he shared his dream of owning a big house in the city, starting with a 4bhk in Andheri this year and then a house in Juhu. He credits his hard work and the love and blessings of those around him for making his dreams come true.

Menaria is known for his back-to-back work schedule and his dedication to his craft. He has been working tirelessly to achieve his career goals while also taking the time to give back to his community through philanthropic activities.

Recently, he took to social media to share a series of behind-the-scenes snaps from the shooting of his upcoming film Saajish The Conspiracy. The photos show Menaria posing with co-star Milind Gunaji and the crew, giving fans a glimpse of what to expect from the movie.

Saajish The Conspiracy is just one of the many exciting projects that Menaria has been working on. He is also involved in an anticipated film called Dr Hedgewar, which is expected to be a major success.

Menaria's fans are excited to see what the future holds for the talented actor, who has already achieved so much in his career. His dedication to his craft and his passion for Mumbai have earned him the love and respect of many, and it's clear that he has a bright future ahead of him.

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