Tuesday, September, 17,2024

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In the latest episode of The JC Show, Dr. Jagdeesh Chandra reveals how PM Modi’s visit to Singapore has further strengthened our ties with the nation-state, how Mallaca Strait is India’s trump card against China, how China is trying to destabilize India’s economy and if ever a war erupts between India and China it might not end up well for China. Dr. Chandra also stressed that Modi’s visit to Singapore has reflected the PM’s vision of developing several Singapores in India itself and thus garners the interest of investors and world businesses alike. Excerpts… (Part II)

  • What is your take on India’s Mallaca Strait trump card in response to the South China Sea geopolitics played out by China?
    Dr Jagdeesh Chandra:
    In popular culture, it is said that India has put its stranglehold on China’s neck. Since this region is near to India, hence India’s influence in the region is much more, as compared to Brunei or Singapore. This region is important because of the Chinese growth story, that is to say, the oil it imports passes through this strait. If tomorrow some fight erupts and India blockades this region, then China will face severe difficulties in procuring oil. So both the Mallaca Strait and the South China Sea are trump cards for both nations. We hope that a situation does not develop where the two nations face off, but it is also true that India does have this trump card.
  • Everyone knows China is trying to destabilize India’s economy. What are your thoughts on it?
    This is a problem. China’s FDI investment in India is surely a problem and then another aspect is that Chinese products in Indian markets are dirt cheap but on the other hand their quality is not good and thus the customers may face issues. Due to the low price of products available in Indian markets, the Indian markets are breaking up, small industries are shutting down, factories are closing down and unemployment is increasing. There are lakhs of traders and businessmen that are troubled with this and the government is trying to do something about it and to better the situation. Narendra Modi has found an option in Make in India which has had some impact as well and which has perturbed China also. I read somewhere that China is now trying to find newer markets to sell its products because Chinese products are not being given preference in India and hence China is trying to establish itself in Africa. The Chinese held a meeting of fifty African nations and offered to give them loans. China uses the debt trap model to take over some regions. So India has created some difficulties for China but yes our trade deficit is also there with China. So let’s see what happens but as of now, it is a point of concern. And the only solution to this problem is that Indians should depend more on Indian products and further advance the Make in India initiative.
  • But the manner in which China is being aggressive and resorting to expansionism, do you think it can lead to an all-out war between India and China?
    See, like I said earlier, this is not the time for war. As it is there are various battles ongoing in various parts of the world like Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine. So, to me, it doesn’t appear that a war will break out between India and China primarily because the Indian government has tactfully handled the issue. But one new aspect that has come to light under the Modi government is that India is not under pressure from China. India is fully prepared and if unfortunately, such a situation develops, then India will give a befitting reply to China. This shows Narendra Modi’s courage that if tomorrow the matter goes out of hand, and war becomes imminent, then we are fully prepared for it. As of now, the border issue between India and China is being handled diplomatically and although the Indian government accepts that the situation is tense at the border, especially in Ladakh, but work is going on at the diplomatic level. China has maintained the twofaced approach where he creates trouble and then sits silently to which India protests. As of now, the situation is under control, but if a war happens between the two neighbors, then China should know that India is not the India of 1962 and India will give a befitting reply under the leadership of PM Modi.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin said that India could be a mediator on Ukraine. What is your take on this?
    This is a major development. It is a recognition of PM Narendra Modi as a global peacemaker, as a global mediator, and an international troubleshooter. I had said in the recent past that Ukrainians may prefer Delhi to bring about an end to the conflict, in other words, to find a solution to this war and the very next day a statement came denoting that at least one of the party to the dispute was agreeable to the meeting happening in Delhi. Now Putin has said. Today both the nations I.e. Russia and Ukraine, are accepting Narendra Modi’s mediation. In the past USA and Russia used to play such a role on a global level, but now they have been replaced by Narendra Modi’s India. I feel that this agreement between Ukraine and Russia can happen in Delhi and I think Narendra Modi is on his way to getting a Nobel Prize. It surely seems so to me. Let’s see what happens in the future.
  • After completing his Brunei visit, PM Modi reached Singapore. What are the political and business implications of PM’s Singapore visit? Why is Singapore so important for India?
    Singapore is India’s bridge to South-East Asia. Secondly, the PM’s visit to Singapore is a mark that Singapore is a natural partner in India’s growth story. Singapore stands at the sixth spot in FDIs received by India from across the world. Moreover, I heard Piyush Goyal saying that the FDI from Singapore will be increased by fivefold, so definitely that country is important in our growth story. Secondly, Singapore’s location as regards the sea route, is extremely strategic and all the nations of the world are somehow connected with Singapore and so is India’s business and commerce. Hence it is of major interest to us. Additionally, Singapore has a role to play in the South-China Sea as well. Also, Singapore has an image of a neutral nation and hence everyone wants to be connected with it. So there are various reasons to be in a good relationship with Singapore and Modi has further cemented those relations. So Singapore has its own relevance as far as India is concerned.
  • Four MoUs were signed during PM’s visit to Singapore. What are these about?
    Well, MoUs have been signed regarding semiconductors, digital technology, health services and skills. But apart from these, what is more important is that Modi has played the role of an economic leader really well. A meeting of business leaders was called and the message went that PM of India himself is calling these leaders and around twenty business tycoons attended that meeting and they were informed that single window system will be operable in the dealing so that creates a favourable business environment. Hence in the days to come, the level f trade with Singapore will be doubled there is no doubt about that. So it should be considered that apart from the four MoUs which will be taken forward in a proper manner, the civil aviation sector of both the nations will also witness a boom and a huge amount of FDI will be done by Singapore into India.
  • PM Modi said in Singapore that he wants to create several Singapores in India. What does that mean?
    PM Modi clearly said that Singapore’s growth story is an inspiration to developing nations. This is a major statement made by Modi because Modi is not just the Prime Minister of a nation, rather he is a global leader who has observed the entire world. And after observing all the nations of the world, he has made a statement that every developing country should follow Singapore, this in itself is a testament to Singapore’s rise. In fact, few days back Rajasthan’s Chief Minister visited a newly constructed public park and upon reaching there he said that the park looks akin to those in Singapore. So Singapore has become synonymous with a developed region in people’s minds. In the past; people used to put Dubai on that pedestal but now when one comes across a tall building, or a center or a park, then automatically one says that it appears to be like those in Singapore. So what Modi meant by creating various Singapores is that he wants to bring major projects in India and perhaps go beyond Singapore in terms of infrastructure and other developments. So it is an inspiration for all the investors to come and join hands with us and let’s create hundred Singapores in India.

During the show #JConBruneiSingapore trended top All-India on X

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