Tuesday, July, 02,2024

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New Delhi: In a significant development for Gujarat’s administrative landscape, 1979 Gujarat cadre IAS Kuniyil Kailashnathan, the seasoned bureaucrat especially known for his pivotal role as Chief Principal Secretary at the CMO, has finally bid farewell to Gujarat government after an illustrious 13-year tenure at the helm of the Chief Minister’s Office. Originally from Kerala, 71-year-old Kailashnathan’s journey in Gujarat has been nothing short of transformative, earning him accolades and recognition for his unwavering dedication and astute governance. Having served under four Chief Ministers including Narendra Modi, Anandiben, Vijay Rupani, and Bhupendra Patel, Kailashnathan’s influence transcended mere administrative duties, becoming synonymous with efficiency and strategic acumen in policymaking. His close association with PM Modi further underscored his significance in Gujarat’s political and bureaucratic corridors. Reflecting on his departure, a senior bureaucrat remarked, “It is the end of an era in Gujarat bureaucracy.” Indeed, Kailashnathan’s departure marks a turning point, leaving behind a legacy defined by his steadfast leadership and meticulous attention to detail. Speculations are rife regarding his next assignment, with possibilities ranging from a pivotal role in the PMO to gubernatorial responsibilities or even a diplomatic posting in an Embassy, with London being among the rumoured destinations. His departure has triggered discussions about the void he leaves in Gujarat’s administrative framework and potential impact of his next assignment on national stage. KK’s journey from Kerala to Gujarat exemplifies the essence of bureaucratic excellence and commitment to public service. As Gujarat bids farewell to one of its most influential administrators, the spotlight now shifts to the future, where his expertise and experience are poised to make a significant impact on a larger canvas. Notably, during his farewell, entire Gujarat CMO staff including his senior colleagues appeared emotional. For now, Gujarat acknowledges the end of an era while eagerly anticipating KK’s next chapter in service to nation.

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