Sunday, September, 08,2024

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Meet the Ad writer whose Idea inspired the malayalam movie 'Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam'

Rupesh Kashyap who is a writer, poet, and filmmaker by heart and brand strategist and creative director by training recently spoke to us about the story behind the advertisement that spawned the malayalam movie and shared his opinion on writers not getting enough limelight and credits for their work. 

Speaking of his journey he stated, "So this is literally, taking me back almost like 2 decades. I was always curious about entertainment media and advertising and I was very clear that I wanted to study mass communication. I had already started writing for newspapers by then. So my articles and Poetry that I used to write in Hindi used to get published. So this was something very fascinating to me, looking at my name published under the creation of mine, especially when I was growing up. I used to spend a lot of time watching those ads, which I was fascinated by. And one day our local newspaper wala asked my father whether he knows his son is also a poet because his poetry has been published in a Hindi literary magazine 'Kadimbini.' My father got to know that I write poetry and he asked a somewhat peculiar question whether I can also write those songs from tv ads that I humm often. For the first time he told me...those are called 'Jingles' and the next question was "Can you write a jingle?" And I said yes. For the first time in my life, I heard this word called jingle that was the first introduction to advertising. I got into mass communication in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi eventually. I started writing for a couple of television series. For D D 1 and D D 2. But somehow I felt that something was missing. Maybe it was because of the city or the kind of production houses I was working with. I wanted to express myself in all mediums and with people who appreciate every form of art. I had a friend of mine that was working with an agency and then I contacted him and he guided me for the Advertising agencies. In my first interview for an agency I was given a copy brief for a cult brand 'Rajdoot Motorcycle.' I wrote a positioning line 'Faulad ki Aulad' that got me my first job. And immediately I understood that advertising was my calling and becoming part of it was the best thing. I think it was the year 2000 during December and that time, I got into the advertising industry. And since then. I never looked back. So this is a sort of journey that it has been. 

He then talked about the recently released malayalam feature film 'Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam' which was made using his creative idea 'Sardar boy travelling in South India with his parents and speaking in Tamil' and how his creative idea changed many lives forever. He said, "So one thing I was very excited about when my name got published for the TV series that I had written as a scriptwriter and assistant director. People at home saw it and they felt elated. The one thing in the ad is that your name doesn't get published but your agency. People at home or friends used to wonder 'your name is not there.' and I used to chuckle. In fact as a copywriter someone is being paid for writing ads on behalf of brands and not as an exclusive writer for a particular ad and it doesn't come in the media the way films or series talked about in the public domain. Also, what happens is that sometimes the senior people who are leading the business might get the limelight and the guy that has cracked the idea probably does not. And honestly, lots of people used to ask questions, is it your concept? Again I used to chuckle. It didn't bother me much. I was determined to work further on more incredible ideas. It feels wonderful to get acknowledged once again after 18 years". Rupesh quips "I have a feature film and series story ready along with reincarnation one but with a twist. I think, now it should bring south and north together." He thanked the director of the movie giving credit to the ad for the inspiration.  

For the last couple of years, Rupesh has been building brands and content through insightful and compelling stories. He considers himself fortunate and grateful for the opportunities not only in advertising but media and the OTT industry that helped him keep his curiosity intact. 

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